Policies » Policies


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Students must attend school on time every day. Parents will be held responsible for making sure their children attend school every day. If your child is sick, please keep him/her at home and telephone the school BEFORE 8:00 AM with the reason for the absence.

Attendance is now being taken in the classroom by the teacher on the computer.  

  1. Any child who is not in class by 8:06 AM will be marked absent (until he/she arrives at school, then the absent mark will be turned into a tardy).
  2. Parents will receive two automated calls that their child was absent or tardy if a reason for being absent/tardy was not given.
  3. Reasons should be called into the office or written on a note for the teacher the same day that the absence/tardy occurred. The office number is 323-255-1419.

Children are only allowed to leave school during the school day under one of the following conditions:

  • To go home for lunch, if a parent has signed a permit that has been filed in the office. This must be done every school year. 
  • A parent or guardian appears in person and signs a release permit.


Children with perfect attendance receive an award at the end of the year.


All visitors during the school day will need to press the buzzer at the main gates, and upon entry, sign the Visitor Logbook and obtain a Visitor’s Pass. 

You may visit your child’s classroom during the school year, but please try to limit the visit to approximately 20 minutes.


IMPORTANT: Students will only be released to individuals listed on their Emergency Cards. Please be sure your child's emergency card is up-to-date.